About the Allergy Free Mouse
We decided to put this site together when we realized how difficult it is to plan a Disney vacation with food allergies. Yes, Disney has a Special Diets hot line and you can make reservations, but the planning and coordination can still be very difficult to organize, especially if you’ve never been there.
Often, when we were discussing our Disney trips with other parents of kids with food allergies, we discovered that they didn’t know you could get Divvies cookies and French Meadow Bakery items at Disney. It became obvious to us that this information, while available online, was not easily found or even collected in a single place.
So, we decided to share our tips and experiences, plus provide a forum for other Disney fans with food allergies to share their experiences, too.
Note: You can no longer get Divvies products or French Meadow Bakery items at Disney:( However, there are other great treats to be found, like Surf Sweets and other food allergy-free items. Check our Top 8 Food Allergies section for you specific food allergies, where you will find lots of choices available at Disney World.